A brief introduction


A quite long time ago I decided to do this little project, as I really love old fuzzes and working in this oldschool way. I had a bunch of NOS vintage components, transistors, axial capacitors and carbon comp resistors in my stash, that I wanted to use properly to their age. A choose three famous circuits to modify, namely the Fuzz Face, the Tonebender MKII, and the Zonk Machine MKI. The aim was not to built exact replicas, but something new yet also similar, so I let the circuits lead me. I tried various transistors and several mods until I found the ones that made those circuits roar. The effects are in the phase of final testing, please click here for a short Instagram demo.

See you soon!

Vintage fuzzes reborn


Almost ready!

After a half a year of preparing, planning, ordering and soldering, my most loved project is close to the finish line. I used a big bunch of my NOS germanium transistors to reanimate some great vintage fuzzes in a different form somehow. There will be a very limited run (6-10 pcs each) of these units as I will run out of those rare transistors that are unobtanium in some cases.
The effects are built on vintage turret srips and I tried to use the coolest and nicest components available in my workshop. Carbon comp resistors and vintage style axial capacitors made the building process a great adventure and fun. Every fuzz has a little modification to the original circuit, as I wanted to built something more exciting than straight clones.
As soon as the whole batch is ready, there will be clips and sound samples and more info available here and on my channels as well.


Great on bass too!

Thanks to David Spischak I had the chance to test my best loved fuzzes along with the Lonely Wolf, the Hummingbird and a Mooer Octaver through great and experimental loops.
More videos are to follow so please check my website and my Youtube and Instagram channel as well. 

Discounts on Reverb


Greetings distortion enthusiasts! 

You might want to check my listings on Reverb.com if you seek to buy one of my fuzzes on a slightly better price. The discount lasts until my current stock is cleared. The Rhino, the Bear and the Baboon are waiting for your nastiest riffs!

The debut of the Baboon


Please check this great little demo of my fuzz-noise oriented effect pedals. Eirik managed to squeeze out incredible noises of those boxes and finally my Baboon found its place on his pedalboard in a very-very cool neighborhood.
Check his great Youtube channel too where you can find useful infos on recording, great tips on achieving certain sounds while listening his great playing. 🙂
Living Room Gear Demos

My new Trick


After sending out so many Rhino babies I had a little time to finish a very fun project that was sitting on my bench for a long time. I have been testing and fine tuning this little beast for many years and finally managed to create a raw sounding yet versatile fuzz that is very close to my heart.

The Tricky Baboon has VOLUME, GAIN and a very useful FILTER pot that can clear out bass frequencies, so that you can find the level where your riffs can be heard and without bleeding eardrums. You can find more pictures and info of this beast soon in the Pedals menu alongside with new demo clips as well.

Please check my Youtube channel for more … 

Very fancy desing … 🙂

September News


The armada of Rhinos (already shipped)

It’s already September. After sending out most of the Rhino babies finally I have a little time to get my thoughts together. 

As far as I see, this month is going to be busy too because I quite a few plans. My new fuzz pedal is right before it’s debut and I have custom shop plans with some super rare components and rarely seen vintage fuzz ideas. I will post video teasers of the above mentioned little boxes along with some sound samles of all of my effects, but this time recorded live with my band, The Black Tones.

I have to make a last little adjustment regarding my prices, that I can keep for long and hopefully I will be able to set up a Reverb shop, where you can buy pedals from my stock. If you are interested in my boxers act quick, every order or inquiry until the 15th of September will be fulfilled on the current prices.

It's alive...


Dear all!

After a few very busy week the new Rhinos started to ship! It was and still is a very hard work, but looking at and playing on the new ones, I have to say every minute was worth it.

A had to switch to different knobs, as mini chickenheads were not available throughout Europe, and I managed to order a few wrong parts, but now everything is on track and I can build a few new baby Rhino every day.

The new look

The new batch is amazingly constant soundwise, and  I will post a few little Youtube demos on a couple of Rhinos and Roaring Bears soon.

I sarted sending out e-mails, notifying the first dozen of my customers of ther new batch. Please check your spam box also if you haven’t recieved your mail yet or simply mail me again. Until the end of August I can fulfill all of my current orders.
Fingers crossed!

Fuzz on!

The assembly starts


Dear fellow Fuzz Lovers,

Just a quick update on the new batch. I’m still waiting for one big order from Germany (the package sits in a warehouse of DHL for some cloudy reason) and the UV printing of the boxes. If the enclosures arrive next monday and the order ’til thursday, then everything is still on track as scheduled, so fingers crossed.

The first 15 Rhinos, depending on the arrival of the above mentioned stuff, could ship next week and I hope I can keep this rate weekly.

The PCBs are here and ready to be populated

Make it noisy!

New batch


Hi all!

Firstly I would like to thank to everybody for the great amount of orders and the understanding for the delays. In the first few days after the JHS live show I had to readjust my orders several times to the unexpected number of orders.

Now, as the tide seems to have gone, I can make more realistic calculations on the new batch. The boxes are sent to be powdercoated and this week they are hopefully going to by UV printed as well. PCBs are on their way to Hungary and in the second half of the next week I plan to start heating up my soldering iron, so the fun part begins. 

The inside of one of the rarest 🙂 octafuzzes on Earth

The blue one from the show on my bench

A few of the biggest issues were buying the knobs and the appropriate germanium diodes in the desired quantity. While the second one, that seemed to be a bigger issue is now hopefully solved, I still have problems with the knobs.

Mini chicked heads are out of stock in every European shop, so I might have to deal with substitutions. Luckily several types of knob make this pedal look cool, so I will send everybody pictures with the available options at the time when their unit is to be shipped.

Please be patient a little more, if carma wants it to, I will start shipping at the end of July and by the end of August everybody who ordered up to this day will receive one or more of my little noise boxes.

All the best to everyone!